NANBEI Is Professional On Providing One-step Solution Of Laboratory Instruments And Equipment
COVID-19 Antigen Rapid Test is the simplest way to detect SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid protein antigen. It only takes 4 steps and 15 minutes to complete the test. The test is also non-invasive. You won't need to collect a sample from deep in your nasal cavity to get accurate results.
Brush against the inner wall of both nostrils 5 times each in a circular motion with a noninvasive nasal swab. Our nasal swab is soft, highly absorbent, and only needs to be inserted ½ - ¾ inches so you can test yourself comfortably.
Insert the swab with the sample into the bottom of the tube and stir it in the flfluid 15 times. Squeeze the sides of the tube around the swab as you pull it out.
Put 3 drops of the mixed solution onto the sample port of the COVID-19 test card.
Start the timer. Your results will be ready in 15 minutes.
Nanbei Instrument Limited is affiliated to Nanbei International Group Limited.It has been exported to more than 100 countries around the world for 20 years , and it is one of the largest and the most comprehensive instrument and equipment manufacturers in China.
Nanbei Instrument Limited & NANBEI INTERNATIONAL GROUP LIMITED All Rights Reserved