F96PRO Fluorescence Spectrophotometer
F96PRO Fluorescence Spectrophotometer

F96PRO Fluorescence Spectrophotometer




product details

F96PRO Fluorescence Spectrophotometer


◆Two operation mode could be chosen: fluorescence intensity and luminous intensity. Fluorescence scanning, kinetic determination and quantity analysis could be done under fluorescence intensity mode.
◆365nm exciting wavelength  Raman peak of water in 1 cm quartz fluorescence cuvette S/N≥150       High performance sensitivity simplifies the measurement of low detective sample.
◆10 stages gain adjustment could be chosen for emission spectrum scanning, including high speed low S/N scanning and precise scanning. Total spectrum scanning could be done in 1 second. With the intelligent pre scanning feature, unknown sample's spectrum information could be detected rapidly. Auto-omission of the influence of scattering peak and harmonic peaks, it ensure the best  measurement parameters and locate the fluorescence emission peak.
◆Support off-line mode and on-line mode. Under off-line mode, instrument's computer system offer the fluorescence intensity measurement, concentration direct reading, auto 0 adjustment, auto background subtraction and etc. Under on-line mode, we could use quality and quantity software to control data acquisition and analysis through USB2.0 interface.
◆High stable and long life 150W xenon lamp and power source ensure high stable testing and wide range of spectrum.
◆The normalized feature for fluorescence value could make different fluorescence's result comparable. 
◆Provide optional PC qualitative and quantitative software package with expansible time scanning, wavelength scanning, graphic calculation and storage-access abilities。
◆Optional accessories for different measurement, including single hole cell holder, fluorescence sample holder for different features, 200μl micro scale centrifuge tube, micro scale capillary sample holder, semi-auto sample introduction accessories, membrane sample accessories, powder sample accessories, jacket sample accessories and etc.

Applications and Features
Fluorescence analysis is a high sensitive and high selective sophisticated analytical method. This method can provide information including excitation and emission spectrum, emission light intensity and measurement of life of emission light and polarization fluorescence etc. This method can provide a wide lineal range of working curve. It has becoming an important analytical method in the region of trace analysis. This method has been used in:
◆Medical science and clinical analysis Clinical analysis of biological specimen.
◆Pharmaceutical science and pharmacology Analysis of natural pharmaceutical products; Quality control of pharmaceuticals and research of pharmaceutical metabolites.
 ◆Biochemistry Analysis of minute quantity of substances in biological body.
◆Food industry Analysis of minute quantity of constituents in food.
◆Pollution analysis Atmospheric pollution, environmental testing and food contamination analysis.
◆Organic and inorganic chemistry:Used in the trace analysis in case of  those substances cannot be determined by absorption spectrophotometry.
◆Light source:Hamamatsu 150W Xenon lamp
◆Exciting optical filters:Interference optical filter
*Standard set is equipped with an interference optical filter of central wavelength at 365nm and 10nm bandwidth
*An optional interference optical filer of 25mm diameter of wavelength of 250-700 nm can be provided on users demand.
◆Emission monochromator:C-T diffraction grating(Em 200~900nm,bandwidth 10nm)Wavelength accuracy±1nm Wavelength repeatability ≤0.5nm
◆Sensitivity:Raman peak of water in 1 cm quartz fluorescence cuvette with
◆Linear measurement(r): ≥0.995
◆Stability: better than 1.5%/10min
◆Variation of power source: 220V±22V  50Hz±1Hz
◆Response time: (0.1-4)s   6 stages adjustable
◆Fluorescence display value: 0.00-600.00
◆Data transmission: USB2.0 


fluorescence spectrophotometer
Optional Spare Parts and Accessories 
◆200~700nm interference optical filter(φ25mm)
◆Quartz fluorescence sample cell10mm
◆Personal computer
◆Printer cable
◆Dedicated serial interface printer:See more details in Page 24 of F96PRO Instruction Manual
Dimension  LWH
◆11(N) 13(G)

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