BSC-1300IIA2-X Biological safety cabinet
BSC-1300IIA2-X Biological safety cabinet

BSC-1300IIA2-X Biological safety cabinet




product details


The Class II biological safety cabinet is an open-front, ventilated cabinet. The Class II biological safety cabinet will provide personnel, environment and product protection.


1  Remote control. The operator need not to contact the biological safety cabinet directly, its favorable for preventing cross contamination. It also makes the control operation much easier and convenient.
2  Foot Switch. Within the range of the activity, we could use foot switch to adjust the height of the front panel. It is our unique design.
3  Work area surrounded by negative pressure.
4  Timer function
5  VFD display
6  Filter life inquiry
7  Motored fron window

According to the performance criteria:

1  US Standard  ANSI/NSF49:2002
2  European Standard  EN12469:2000
3  Chinese Standard  YY0569-2005

Air Flow Pattern and Protected Area:

biosafety cabinet lab

Parameter of BSC-1300II A2-X:

a2 biological safety cabinet

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